Tested on: WordPress 3.4.1
By default, WordPress allows Authors to see the titles of other users posts, unpublished drafts, and all media, even though they cannot be edited.
Use this code to only allow posts and media of the currently logged in Author to be displayed.
Unlike other solutions, this also fixes the post/media count on the filter bars (All|Published|Draft|Pending|Trash; All|Images|Videos|Unattached).
// Show only posts and media related to logged in author
add_action('pre_get_posts', 'query_set_only_author' );
function query_set_only_author( $wp_query ) {
global $current_user;
if( is_admin() && !current_user_can('edit_others_posts') ) {
$wp_query->set( 'author', $current_user->ID );
add_filter('views_edit-post', 'fix_post_counts');
add_filter('views_upload', 'fix_media_counts');
// Fix post counts
function fix_post_counts($views) {
global $current_user, $wp_query;
$types = array(
array( 'status' => NULL ),
array( 'status' => 'publish' ),
array( 'status' => 'draft' ),
array( 'status' => 'pending' ),
array( 'status' => 'trash' )
foreach( $types as $type ) {
$query = array(
'author' => $current_user->ID,
'post_type' => 'post',
'post_status' => $type['status']
$result = new WP_Query($query);
if( $type['status'] == NULL ):
$class = ($wp_query->query_vars['post_status'] == NULL) ? ' class="current"' : '';
$views['all'] = sprintf(__('<a href="%s"'. $class .'>All <span class="count">(%d)</span></a>', 'all'),
elseif( $type['status'] == 'publish' ):
$class = ($wp_query->query_vars['post_status'] == 'publish') ? ' class="current"' : '';
$views['publish'] = sprintf(__('<a href="%s"'. $class .'>Published <span class="count">(%d)</span></a>', 'publish'),
elseif( $type['status'] == 'draft' ):
$class = ($wp_query->query_vars['post_status'] == 'draft') ? ' class="current"' : '';
$views['draft'] = sprintf(__('<a href="%s"'. $class .'>Draft'. ((sizeof($result->posts) > 1) ? "s" : "") .' <span class="count">(%d)</span></a>', 'draft'),
elseif( $type['status'] == 'pending' ):
$class = ($wp_query->query_vars['post_status'] == 'pending') ? ' class="current"' : '';
$views['pending'] = sprintf(__('<a href="%s"'. $class .'>Pending <span class="count">(%d)</span></a>', 'pending'),
elseif( $type['status'] == 'trash' ):
$class = ($wp_query->query_vars['post_status'] == 'trash') ? ' class="current"' : '';
$views['trash'] = sprintf(__('<a href="%s"'. $class .'>Trash <span class="count">(%d)</span></a>', 'trash'),
return $views;
// Fix media counts
function fix_media_counts($views) {
global $wpdb, $current_user, $post_mime_types, $avail_post_mime_types;
$views = array();
$_num_posts = array();
$count = $wpdb->get_results( "
SELECT post_mime_type, COUNT( * ) AS num_posts
FROM $wpdb->posts
WHERE post_type = 'attachment'
AND post_author = $current_user->ID
AND post_status != 'trash'
GROUP BY post_mime_type
", ARRAY_A );
foreach( $count as $row )
$_num_posts[$row['post_mime_type']] = $row['num_posts'];
$_total_posts = array_sum($_num_posts);
$detached = isset( $_REQUEST['detached'] ) || isset( $_REQUEST['find_detached'] );
if ( !isset( $total_orphans ) )
$total_orphans = $wpdb->get_var("
FROM $wpdb->posts
WHERE post_type = 'attachment'
AND post_author = $current_user->ID
AND post_status != 'trash'
AND post_parent < 1
$matches = wp_match_mime_types(array_keys($post_mime_types), array_keys($_num_posts));
foreach ( $matches as $type => $reals )
foreach ( $reals as $real )
$num_posts[$type] = ( isset( $num_posts[$type] ) ) ? $num_posts[$type] + $_num_posts[$real] : $_num_posts[$real];
$class = ( empty($_GET['post_mime_type']) && !$detached && !isset($_GET['status']) ) ? ' class="current"' : '';
$views['all'] = "<a href='upload.php'$class>" . sprintf( __('All <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'uploaded files' ), number_format_i18n( $_total_posts )) . '</a>';
foreach ( $post_mime_types as $mime_type => $label ) {
$class = '';
if ( !wp_match_mime_types($mime_type, $avail_post_mime_types) )
if ( !empty($_GET['post_mime_type']) && wp_match_mime_types($mime_type, $_GET['post_mime_type']) )
$class = ' class="current"';
if ( !empty( $num_posts[$mime_type] ) )
$views[$mime_type] = "<a href='upload.php?post_mime_type=$mime_type'$class>" . sprintf( translate_nooped_plural( $label[2], $num_posts[$mime_type] ), $num_posts[$mime_type] ) . '</a>';
$views['detached'] = '<a href="upload.php?detached=1"' . ( $detached ? ' class="current"' : '' ) . '>' . sprintf( __( 'Unattached <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'detached files' ), $total_orphans ) . '</a>';
return $views;